Android studio spinner example
Android studio spinner example

android studio spinner example

Specify the layout to use when the list of choices appearsĪtDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item) Create an ArrayAdapter using the string array and a default spinner layout Val spinner: Spinner = findViewById( With an array such as this one, you can use the following code in your Activity or Fragment to supply the spinner with the array using Them with a string array defined in a string The choices you provide for the spinner can come from any source, but must be provided throughĪn SpinnerAdapter, such as an ArrayAdapter if theĬhoices are available in an array or a CursorAdapter if the choices areįor instance, if the available choices for your spinner are pre-determined, you can provide To populate the spinner with a list of choices, you then need to specify a SpinnerAdapter in your Activity or Fragment Should usually do so in your XML layout with a element. You can add a spinner to your layout with the Spinner object. Touching the spinner displays a dropdown menu with all otherĪvailable values, from which the user can select a new one. Import provide a quick way to select one value from a set. The layout side, the selection spinner is like the simple spinner component. TheĬustom list spinner has the prompt text, but the choices are set in code. R.string.cities_array and title text from R.string.spinner_prompt. The simpleĬomponent is initialized in the layout file with choices from The layout file contains three different spinner components. Spinner_prompt and cities_array are used in the spinner components. Strings.xml contains string resources for the application. Is not a familiar class or concept, I suggest that you read the

android studio spinner example

This tutorial uses mainly basic ui components and Toast notifications. How to create a Spinner component with a dynamic options.How to create a Spinner component with a predefined list of options.This tutorials shows you how to do the following things: The basic useĬase for a spinner is a situation where the user needs to choose one option The spinner component is one of the most used UI component there isĪnd it’s commonly known as the dropdown list on other platforms. This tutorial shows a simple example on how to use the Android spinnerĬomponent. Android Spinner (DropDown) tutorial Updated Apr 7, 2019

Android studio spinner example